Wildflower Seed Cards: The Greeting That Keeps on Giving


Hands up, who has felt bad throwing a birthday card away? Once you’ve plucked up the courage to break ties with the card, you then face the common dilemma of “Is this card recyclable?” Unfortunately, many greeting cards aren’t, which means a lot of them end up in landfill. Well, here at The Seed Card Company, we’re on a mission to change that! Plantable wildflower seed cards are the perfect way to celebrate any occasion. Not only do they make a unique statement through carefully crafted designs, they are completely and utterly eco-friendly!

Wildflower seed cards for weddings

Send, Plant, Grow

One of the best features about our cards is that they are plantable and fully biodegradable. Pot and plant your seed card, and with a little TLC, it will grow into a fresh bunch of wildflowers! It is as simple as it sounds, the flower seeds are embedded into the card so there really is nothing else to it. It is a fantastic way to send your nearest and dearest some love, but to also do your bit for the planet!

How Do I Plant My Seed Cards?

Believe us when we say that you don’t have to be a seasoned gardener to turn your card into a plant! It couldn’t be easier, and you only need five things to get on your way: One of our seed cards, soil, water, sunlight and a pot – or pots depending on how popular you are and have received allllll the cards.

Easy right? It’s down to personal preference where you’d like to pot your seed card, you can go inside or outside, just keep in mind the conditions. Sprouts and snow do not mix.

In four easy steps, you’ll have your own little wildflower patch.

  • Fill your pot 2/3 full with soil. Press it down.
  • Add your seed card; you can plant it whole or torn up into pieces, depending on the size of your pot. It doesn’t matter if the pieces overlap.
  • Next, cover the seed card over with a little more soil, just a thin layer is fine. Give it a good water, but not too much, just until the soil is moist. Ideally, the card and soil should be damp and not dry at all times, but not swimming! Keep this up over 10 days and before long, the seeds will germinate, and shoots will begin to show themselves.
  • Keep up the daily watering and within four weeks, those little shoots will grow into small plants. Water them as needed and then you can watch them grow, blossom and flourish! If looked after properly, your wildflowers can last for months.

           Flower Power

          Our wildflower seed cards are full of choice! Each piece of card contains a mixture of six different types of flower: Catchfly, Clarkia, Snapdragon, Black Eyed Susan, Sweet Alyssum and Birds Eye, with more options coming soon. Each piece of our seed card is unique, with a mixture of colourful wildflowers inside.

          Wildflower seed cards contain: Catchfly, Clarkia, Snapdragon, Black Eyed Susan, Sweet Alyssum and Birds Eye

          Full Bloom Feelings

          We really believe that our wildflower seed cards are the gift that keeps on giving. The magic goes way beyond a simple gesture. Our blossoming cards encourage happiness, health benefits and a full heart. Did you know that flowers can:

          • Improve your mood: Flowers help lift your mood! It’s a lovely reminder that someone cares and also contributes to a beautiful homely space. They look pretty and smell good, which are two factors that are scientifically proven to provide an emotional boost.
          • Aid Energy and Relaxation: Tending to flowers and plants can certainly aid relaxation and help you unwind. A little gardening can specifically be a healthy way to work through stress or frustration; having something to look after and tend to each day can also help with routine. Flowers also help to increase energy! Having fresh flowers or potted plants around the home or garden is linked to an increase in positive energy, productivity and creativity.
          • Help heal a common cold: Who’d have thought it? But when you think about it, it makes sense. Flowers add moisture to the air, this helps with dry skin, dry throats and tickly coughs. The additional moisture contributed by plants and flowers helps prevent, or at least shortens, the life of the common cold!

          Alongside these health benefits, wildflower seed cards also help our environment significantly.

          So, How Do Wildflower Seed Cards Help the Environment?

          Seed card really is something special. Not only is it completely biodegradable, so won’t leave any nasties behind, as it naturally breaks down, it is made completely from upcycled, post-consumer waste, no new trees are ever harmed in the making of our cards! They are recyclable, biodegradable and as you know, embedded with wildflower seeds. Furthermore, anything we print uses our vegan-friendly ink, cool right?

          Our wildflower seed cards help to make the world a greener place. Growing plants and flowers creates new mini ecosystems by encouraging and aiding growth of important species of pollinators, such as your friendly neighbourhood bees and butterflies.

          You know those cellophane pouches a lot of greetings cards come in? You’ll never see our cards sitting in one of those. We aren’t a fan of single use plastics, so all of our packaging is made from recycled post-consumer waste. Which coincides with our pledge to be a plastic-free company and contributing to combating the global crises we are facing.

          Lastly, for every card or stationery suite sold, we plant a tree on your behalf in our forest in Madagascar, with help from our reforestation effort partner, Ecologi. This not only offsets any delivery carbon, but it helps to rebuild natural habitats and creates jobs for local communities who plant and maintain these new forests all over the world. Who knew wildflower seed cards made such an impact?!

          No new trees harmed in the process of making our seed cards

          Get in Touch 

          There’s nothing we love more than talking to our wonderful customers. If you’d like a little more information on our wildflower seed cards, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with our friendly team here or alternatively, you can visit our Instagram and say hello!

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